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Early morning - hair everywhere |
I looked in the mirror this morning and was surprised to find my hair so long. It seems to grow overnight sometimes - going from shoulder-length to long without me noticing. I like to vary my hairstyle - sometimes it's long, sometimes I have a very short bob, occasionally I have a crop, sometimes I have a fringe, and sometimes I have layers cut in. The idea of finding one style and sticking to it makes me feel bored and restricted.
I used to dye my hair quite regularly when I was a teenager and in my early twenties. I mainly hennaed it, or dyed it various copper shades. Now my hair is beginning to show silver streaks I am less inclined to dye it though. I rather like the idea of having silver hair, although the in-between stage of salt-and-pepper shaded hair is less enticing.
For work I have to have my hair completely tied back. I once arrived on a ward with a new haircut and no hair elastics and the ward sister informed me that even my short bob needed to be tied back, so I spent the day with it scraped back into an elastic band that she produced from her desk drawer; which, as anyone who has ever had to do that will know, was incredibly painful! So now I have a little zip purse of hair elastics and kirby grips in my bag at all times.
When my hair is long I am guilty of tying it back into a ponytail almost all the time, which I sometimes think is a shame. I am very fussy about my ponytails though, as I like to make sure they are high, symmetrical and secure. I find there is something quite energising and uplifting about sashaying out of the house for the day with my hair swinging up in a high ponytail! I do high ballet buns on Olivia for her ballet lessons, and she is just starting to learn to do them on herself. However, we both find them much harder to do on ourselves than on someone else ...I haven't really mastered doing a bun on myself. Not a satisfyingly, high, neat one anyhow.
So I shall start thinking about what I do with mine now. Let it grow even longer and practice doing buns? Cut it off? Leave it long but get a fringe cut in? This probably means there is a Pinterest board to be compiled....