Monday 24 November 2008

A week in my shoes :: Day 6

I had a very nice day off work today - using up an odd leftover day before the end of the year.

I brought the milk in from the doorstep.
I took the children to school - this is our front path, with the original, Victorian tiles. I love this path. One day I will make a quilt of it - right down to the colours and everything.

It was wet, cold and nasty outside this morning, so when I got back home I put on another pair of socks my mother knitted for me. This time a bamboo pair that are incredibly soft.

After a day of sewing I was feeling a rather house bound and headachey. The sun came out and I grabbed my walking boots before dashing out for a late walk on Wanstead Flats as the sun set.


  1. I'm enjoying this week ....especially when you wore 'my' pink birkenstocks!

  2. the front path is beautiful. Do you have original hall tiles as well? Alas, ours are long gone courtesy of the evil previous occupiers, fans of wood laminate and white gloss paint on original fireplaces. Bah!x

  3. a tile quilt is a lovely idea!

  4. Oh yes a quilt of those tiles would be fab.

  5. I love the walkway! What a neat idea to quilt a similar design!

  6. I want a mother to knit me soft socks. So far mine has knitted me some scratchy gloves. Where am I going wrong?


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